Metavision Starter Kit – STM32F7 (GenX320) is your perfect entry point to Event-Based Vision, by the inventors of the world’s most advanced neuromorphic vision systems.

This flexible development kit optimized for plug-and-play use with STM32-F7 MCU discovery kit features at its core the revolutionary GENX320 Event-Based Vision Sensor from Prophesee.

It can be used to experiment with applications processing in real-time events on the edge capturing motion with tremendous low latency.


Purchase a STM32 Discovery kit from ST distributors

Please visit STM Discovery kits page on the ST Microelectronics website.
Select a product with a camera connector (DCMI). Order from distributors.
(GenX320 expansion board is tested with the STM32F746G-DISCO kit).


Connect the Metavision Starter Kit to the discovery kit

The metallic side must face the Discovery kit PCB



Create your support account

Register your premium support package by creating your Knowledge Center account. Access your EVK manual, advanced product documentation, submit support request, access community forum, application notes and other exclusive content.


Get familiar with Event-Based Vision

Understand the fundamentals of Event-Based Vision technology by reading discovery content published on our documentation center.


Execute your first application

Follow the instructions on Prophesee Support page to download, flash and execute the demo application binary.

STM32 Application


Start creating your own application

Download the demo source code and follow the step-by-step guidelines on the Prophesee Support portal to start creating your applications right away.


Feature your work

Get your work noticed by sharing it on PROPHESEE’s Inventors Community platform or see what the most creative teams are achieving with Metavision.

Inventors Community




What kind of data do we get from a Prophesee sensor?

Contrast Detection (CD) events can be acquired from a Prophesee sensor. They represent a response of a pixel to a change of illumination and are of 2 types:

  • CD ON events correspond to positive change : from dark to light
  • CD OFF events correspond to negative change : from light to dark

For more information, check our pages on event-based concepts and events streaming and decoding.

How can I retrieve information on installed Prophesee software?

You can retrieve the information on the installed software and their versions with these applications:

What kind of extension USB cable should I use for my camera?
If the USB cables provided with the camera is too short for your use, you will have to use an extension cable, but you have to be careful as you will quickly reach the USB specs length limits for the support of USB 3.0 super speed. Hence, we recommend using an active USB 3.0 extension cable with an external power supply. Here is an example of such a cable: StarTech.com Active USB 3.0 Extension Cable with AC Power Adapter
Can I record data from supported cameras? Which format is used for data recording?

You can record data with Metavision Studio. By default, data are recorded to RAW format. However, Metavision Studio also allows you to export your recording in AVI format.

Alternatively, you can use the application Metavision Viewer to record RAW files. As you have an access to the source code of this application, you can see the Metavision SDK in use and even enhance it to fit your needs.

In addition, you can convert RAW files to the following formats:

How do I know what is the event encoding format of a RAW file?

You can find the EVT format (EVT2 or EVT3) of your RAW file by one of those methods:

How can I check the duration and the event rate of my RAW file?

You can use metavision_file_info application:

metavision_file_info -i YOUR_FILE.raw
To avoid flicker events, which non-flickering light source should I use?

The best non-flickering light source is any halogen lighting. If you want LED source, you must double check it is not flickering (lots of them are using PWM modulation for dimming, and produce flicker). We successfully used Dracast Camlux Pro Bi-Color.

Can I use a Virtual Machine (VM) to work with my camera?

Prophesee cameras require USB 3.0, and due to limited support of USB 3.0 by Virtual Machines, your display and USB will not perform as expected, therefore we do not recommend using Virtual Machines.