PARIS — For centuries, our desire to reproduce accurate, pretty images for “human consumption” has driven the advancements of camera technologies. But what if we were to change the premise and design image sensors for computers to see and analyze the information? In...
…a French company, Chronocam, has a neuromorphic-based vision camera and sensors that could change the meaning of instant replay for the NFL. The camera and sensors are biologically inspired by how the brain and eye work in tandem to process images. Chronocam’s...
Chronocam names imaging and vision chip veteran Jaffard as strategic advisor Long-time ST Microelectronics executive to help guide Paris start-up in quest to commercialize first bio-inspired approach to computer vision PARIS – 19 January, 2016 –...
Christoph Posch offers further insights on ‘Bio-inspired approach addresses speed, DR and data efficiency limitations of image sensors’.
L’Embarqué: Les start-up qui maîtrisent les arcanes de la micro et nanoélectronique Chronocam a développé une technologie inédite de vision embarquée qui mime le fonctionnement de la rétine de l’œil humain. Une technologie qui associe pour la première...
EETimes: CHRONOCAM among the 16 analog, MEMS and sensor startups to follow in 2016! The flow of startups addressing the non-digital part of the electronics universe seems to be increasing along with the opportunities in analog, power, RF, sensors. ...