Spectrum IEEE

Spectrum IEEE: How Neuromorphic Image Sensors Steal Tricks From the Human Eye.   The co-founders of Chronocam – Christoph Posch, Ryad Benosman & Ralph Etienne-Cummings – give a compelling overview on the origins and motivations of neuromorphic...

Chronocam joins the Startup Corner at the IoT Planet

IoT Planet is a new International flagship event, designed by Top European High Tech Professionals, to address matters related to the broad range of the “Internet of Things – IoT”, including: Components, Technologies, Products, Applications, Consumer usage, Societal...

Chronocam at the Web Summit in Dublin, Ireland

Web Summit is Europe’s largest tech event. This year it will bring together 35,000+ attendees, including startups, investors, media and entrepreneurs from 110+ countries across the globe. Chronocam is excited to exhibit during the event and demonstrate how we...

Chronocam at Grenoble: IEEE IoT startup pitchfest.

The IEEE has added its weight to the IoT Planet conference and exhibition by staging an IoT Startup pitching event during the two-day conference in Grenoble, that is scheduled to take place Nov. 4 and 5.   http://analog-eetimes.com

Chronocam reacts to events in a scene launched

Vision sensing tech that reacts to events in a scene launched   A Paris – based startup company, Chronocam, has unveiled a prototype of its vision CMOS sensing and processing technology that it says ‘eliminates the traditional speed verses date rate trade...

EET: Asynch image sensor boosts machine vision

Chronocam on EETimes: Asynch image sensor boosts machine vision While conventional image sensors are optimized to produce images for the human eye, machines do not necessarily need the highest resolution but can benefit from different attributes such as high dynamic...