Chronocam is awarded with the prize of Scientipole Initiative and becomes part of Scientipole Croissance Scientipole is a French Association that aims at bridging the gap between corporates and technological resources in order to contribute to the emergence of...
Chronocam becomes a member of MINALOGIC competitive cluster MINALOGIC is the French digital cluster for micro- and nanoelectronics and software, which brings together the leading innovators in the field of smart miniaturized systems. As a member of...
Chronocam raises 745K€ from private investors to start reinventing computer vision Chronocam has successfully closed a first round of seeding funds from private investors. Among them many business angels and professional investors have renewed their trust in...
Chronocam has just secured initial funding to launch the company, hire more talented scientists and engineers and build new partnerships with leading industrial opinion leaders.
Chronocam has received an important grant from the European Commission, joining a prestigious consortium of leading European universities and research institutes. The aim of the project, where Chronocam plays a key role, is to develop a robust indoor and outdoor...