Event-Based Metavision® for XR

Event-Based Metavision® for XR

XR With Metavision® neuromorphic sensing, see what traditional cameras can't for next-generation AR/VR/XR, constellation tracking, gesture detection and more. CONTACT US  DISCOVER THE POWER OF METAVISION IN XR Motion detection and analysis, AR/VR/XR, Wearables,...
Metavision® Intelligence – Event-Based Vision Software

Metavision® Intelligence – Event-Based Vision Software

Discover Metavision® Intelligence Suite 5x Award-Winning Event-Based Vision Software Toolkit. Free to Download, Free to Build, Free to Sell 5X AWARD-WINNING EVENT-BASED VISION SOFTWARE SUITE Choose from an easy-to-use data visualizer or an advanced API with 64...

Contact MWC

BOOK A MEETING  Mon, Feb 26, 2024 – Thu, Feb 29, 2024  Alexandre Hotel Fira Congress Polígono Industrial de la Pedrosa, C. de José Agustín Goytisolo, 9, 11, 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain Room 412  Follow us on Linkedin  Follow us on...