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Chronocam at AutoSens 2017

From September 19-21 in Brussels, Belgium, Chronocam will be exhibiting its bio-inspired machine vision for the automotive industry at AutoSens – The Automotive Sensor and Perception Conference.  The AutoSens agenda gets right to heart of challenges facing vision...

Chronocam wins Electron d’Or

Chronocam wins Electron d’Or

Chronocam wins prestigious Electron d'Or recognised by industry peers for its high performance vision system and its partnership with Renault (in French) La 20è édition des Electrons d'Or, qui sont décernés chaque année par la revue Electroniques, s'est tenue le mardi...

Article: "Camera mimics human brain"

Article: "Camera mimics human brain"

"Quick-Thinking AI Camera Mimics the Human Brain", Dhananjay Khadilkar, Scientific American, (22/06/17)   Researchers in Europe are developing a camera that will literally have a mind of its own, with brainlike algorithms that process images and light sensors...

Article: "How machines will see"

Article: "How machines will see"

Luca Verre, CEO and Co-founder of Chronocam, contributes to the World Economic Forum Agenda blog and explains "How a new generation of machines will ‘see’ like humans" "Much has been written and discussed about the merging of the physical, digital and biological...

Luca Verre to speak at EMVA

On June 23rd, 2017 Chronocam CEO Luca Verre will be at EMVA Business Conference in Prague Czech Republic to speak about the topic "Bio-Inspired Machine Vision is coming to Industrial Automation"

Chronocam at Viva Technology

June 15-17, Chronocam will be exhibiting at the Viva Technology conference taking place at Porte de Versailles in Paris, France. We will be showcasing our game changing machine vision technology for acquiring and interpreting visual data that is based on how the human...

Chronocam Selected to Gartner Cool Vendors 2017

Chronocam Selected to Gartner Cool Vendors 2017

Chronocam Selected to the Gartner Cool Vendors in AI Core Technologies, 2017  Chronocam was selected as one of only 5 companies to the prestigious Gartner Cool Vendors 2017 list of companies for AI Core Technologies. A summary of the report states: "Artificial...

Jean-Luc Jaffard to speak at IS-Auto 2017

On April 25th, Jean-Luc Jaffard, Chronocam VP Sensor Engineering and Operations, will be at IS Auto 2017 to speak about "The latest innovations in bio-inspired vision sensors and how they benefit autonomous driving applications."...

Luca Verre to speak at Minalogic Business Meetings

On April 26th, 2017 Chronocam CEO Luca Verre will be attending Minalogic Business Meetings in Grenoble France to speak about “Bio-inspired computer vision: opening the door to onboard intelligence in connected objects, devices and machines.” Conference in French: "La...

Chronocam wins award at IS Europe

Chronocam wins award at IS Europe

Chronocam wins Best Up and Coming Company at Image Sensors Europe and sets a new standard of excellence in computer vision. "As part of the 10 year anniversary of the Image Sensors Europe conference Smithers Apex acknowledged the industry’s most outstanding...

Article: Is ADAS Ready for a Little "Disruption"?

Article: Is ADAS Ready for a Little "Disruption"?

PARIS – (Junko Yoshida) On the day EE Times visited Chronocam, a Paris-based startup developing an event-based computer vision technology, a ripple of shock went through the whole building. Intel had just announced the acquisition of Mobileye. The big surprise hit...

CEO Luca Verre to speak at Automotive Connection

On January 31st, 2017 from 16:30-17:00 Chronocam CEO Luca Verre will be at Automotive-Connection 2017 (INSA de Rouen) to speak about "Bio-inspired solutions in computer vision for autonomous vehicles and ADAS."

CEO Luca Verre to speak at Mobility.Pioneers 2017

On February 8th, 2017 Chronocam CEO Luca Verre will be at Mobility.Pioneers 2017 to speak about "The latest innovations in vision sensors and how they benefit autonomous driving applications". Held at Muffatwerk in Munich, Germany, the conference brings...

Chronocam: article in L’Embarqué

Chronocam: article in L’Embarqué

L'imagerie neuromorphique révolutionne la vision artificielle Solution de rupture inspirée par le fonctionnement du cerveau humain et dédiée aux systèmes de vision artificielle et de cybervision, la technologie neuromorphique de vision pilotée par les...

Business Club de France: Chronocam at BFM Radio

December 2-3, 2016 Luca Verre and Chronocam at Business Club de France on BFM Business Radio. On Air: Saturday 3/12/16 at 7 AM and Sunday 4/12/16 at 4 PM

Chronocam receives $15 million funding led by Intel

Chronocam receives $15 million funding led by Intel

Chronocam, a developer of biologically-inspired vision sensors and computer vision solutions has raised $15 million in Series B financing led by lead investor Intel Capital, along with iBionext, Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH, 360 Capital, CEAi and...

Start-up aims to help machines see like humans

Start-up aims to help machines see like humans

Chronocam start-up aims to help machines see like humans Christoph Posch, co-founder and CTO of Chronocam, discusses with Science|Business’ Daniel Echikson his company’s new sensor technology. Q. Could you explain the sensor technology your company is developing? What...

Chronocam: interview by ITNumeric

Chronocam: interview by ITNumeric

Les spécialistes parisiens de Chronocam figurent parmi les grands espoirs des technologies nationales. Leur savoir-faire en matière de vision artificielle motive les plus grands noms de l’industrie. Intel Corp et Renault ont par exemple participé à une levée de fonds...

Chronocam at VISION 2016

Chronocam will be displaying the latest in its machine vision solutions at VISION, the world's leading machine vision trade fair. VISION is where OEMs, mechanical engineering companies and system houses learn about the latest innovations from the world of machine...

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